Game developer during the day. Gamer by night. Health&Fitness freak in between. Also devourer of books and so on. Don't want to sound like some silver-haired, purple-eyed girl does when she introduces herself to people ;)
Having a fairly solid background in software making and designing I now dedicate my time to creating videogames.
Being on the other side of videogames is a new thing for me and I'm still getting the hang of it, still learning new stuff on a daily basis (sometimes hourly) and I've been loving every bit so far. All the culture and support around the indie game scene really does amaze me and besides adding points to "faith in humanity" (I don't really keep a score tbh) it's great to feel like part of something this nice and can't help but feel compelled to give my contribute if not only only by belonging and being part of it all, but hopefully much more than that.